Mari材质预设包 MARI Extension Pack 3 R2
时间:2024-04-11 22:15:11 阅读: 次 来源:

支持Mari 3.0,包含超过110个材质或者第三方插件
Jens Kafitz is a professional Texture Artist & Environment TD. Past Projects include the Hobbit Trilogy, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Iron Man and many others.<…
MARI Extension Pack 3.0 is the third installment of the popular Plugin for the 3D Texturing application MARI
- 110+ Major Feature Additions and Improvements
- Fully compatible with Mari 3.0
- Dozens of Procedural and Adjustment Layers
- Workflow enhancements for managing layers, channels and projects
- Procedural Edge Wear
- Complete Online Help & Tutorials accessible from within MARI
- Commercial Use on single or unlimited MARI seats
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