

古风水乡 -BigMediumSmall - WATER VILLAGE

资源类型: Kitbash3d模型支持软件: 3D文件格式: 3D包含内容: 模型+贴图准备好通过我们的水村系列探索小岛村庄的精髓。该包的灵感来自于探索小岛屿社区的童年记忆,充满了传统材料...
古典图书馆场景3D模型,Blender/FBX/GLTF格式,EEVEE渲染器,包含贴图材质Created in blender 2.90 (versions of 2.82 and before need to be rebaked in order to get the eevee...
Archexteriors vol. 44包含小区建筑楼房场景3D模型,包含Cinema 4D/Blender格式,Blender的是Cycles渲染器,C4D格式是后期手动转换的,包含贴图材质Archexteriors vol. 44 brings y...

远古遗迹资产3D模型 Ancient Ruins Kitbash

包含37个远古遗迹风格资产3D模型,Blender/FBX/OBJ格式,4K PBR贴图材质Models based on ancient greek,maya and Egyptian architecture,Speed up your workflow with this anc...
未来科幻风格建筑3D模型,包括2K和4K贴图材质,Blender/FBX格式 SCI-FI BUILDINGS Please open with blender 3.1+ includes more than 30 sci fi buildings. there are low pol...
包含38组奇幻风格砖墙建筑3D模型,Blender/FBX/OBJ格式38 architectural elements in .blend .fbx and .obj formats....
包含日式风格3D模型资产预设,自己可以随意组合,Blender格式,4K分辨率贴图材质 Create 3d building with displacement maps you will get 2 different displacement maps inclu...
38个中世纪军事建筑3D模型和,4K分辨率贴图材质,模型都是展UV的,包含Blender/FBX/OBJ格式 38 individual, textured & UV unwrapped models 10 PBR materials all 4K resolution...
包含134组3D模型资产,游戏低多边形奇幻风格,Blender格式,4K贴图材质 There are 134 meshes in the scene In shaders, additional color schemes and emissive variants 11 Mat...
包含57组资产预设,城堡废墟风格3D模型,Blender格式,4K贴图材质Stylized Castle Ruins is a robust asset pack for blender including all the meshes you need to create a un...
包含星球大战塔图因风格的资产、建筑和道具,Blender和FBX格式,包含贴图材质A collection of star wars assets, architecture and props from Mos Eisley, Tatooine...