AE/PR视频画面像素数据融合拉伸特效插件 Aescripts Motion Mosh V1.2.2 Win/Mac破解版+使用教程基于GPU渲染,模拟像素融合拉伸特效Datamosh-esque aesthetics in realtime!...
基于智能AI,可以根据选择的图片风格或者输入文字描述,直接对视频进行调色A.I.-based plugin for easy and fast color grading based on textual inputs and image layers.支...
可以快速将图层中所有的关键帧,用标记点显示出来,并且显示关键帧属性,方便查找No more trying to view many keyframed layers at once. Using MarKey is incredibly easy &nda...
可以对多个关键帧同时进行复制、粘贴、镜像、对齐、比例伸缩、曲线调节等操作,在MG动画中很实用Align, flip, stagger, duplicate, stretch and more! All the keyframe esse...